Keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + A - select all
Ctrl + C - custom command
Ctrl + D - disconnect
Ctrl + F - new connection
Ctrl + G - back to the root
Ctrl + L - allow logs
Ctrl + M - compare directories
Ctrl + N - run FTP with new connection
Ctrl + P - print directory content
Ctrl + Q - add selection to queue
Ctrl + S - change directory
Ctrl + T - change attributes
Ctrl + W - connection wizard
Ctrl + X - exit application
Ctrl + F9 - compare directories
Alt + F - find file
Alt + P - run internal Ping/Trace
Alt + T - run standard Telnet
Alt + F1 - activate left panel
Alt + F2 - activate right panel
Alt + F7 - find file
F1 - about application Hnet Info FTP client
F2 - bookmarks
F3 - refresh listing
F4 - edit file
F5 - copy files
F6 - move files
F7 - create new directory
F8 - delete file or directory
F9 - rename file or directory
F10 - custom command
TAB - switch directory listing panels focus
SPACE - files' properties